Java Programming practice

Subject : Java Programming
Time: 3 Hours

Answer the following: 

(a) What is the difference between Application and Applet? 
(b) Write a small java program containing user defined exceptions. 
(c) What is Garbage Collection in Java? 
(d) What is JVM and JVM programming? 
(e) What is the functionality of a file class? 
(f) What is the use of final keyword in java? 
(g) What are the steps involved in establishment of a JDBC connection? 
(h) What is Collection API? 
(i) Describe Dynamic dispatch method with example. 
(j) What are the features of swings? 

Q2. Explain the steps to create RMI based clients and server. Explain the various methods for registering and gaining access to the Remote Object. 
Q3. Explain Method overloading and Method Overriding with suitable example. Can you overload operators in Java? 
Q4. Explain the basic components of JDBC. Explain in detail the different drivers of JDBC.
Q5. Explain Multithreading. How Java implements its Thread model?
Q6. Write a program to create two threads, one thread will print odd numbers and second thread will print even numbers between 1 to 10 numbers. 
Q7. Describe the various operators used in Java with their classifications. Explain left shift and right shift operators with suitable examples.
Q8. Explain the architecture of Remote Method invocation (RMI) and its packages.

Q9. Write short notes on any three of the following giving suitable examples:-
(a) Standard Java Packages 
(b) Java AWT controls 
(c) NetBean 
(d) Java class loaders 

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